My Life
As My “why” states, I have been on my journey, whole-heartedly since 1999. Every step of my journey has prepared me for where I am today.
I researched several organizations that provided certification programs in the area of Health and/or Wellness. I landed upon the International Association of Wellness Professionals (IAWP). The IAWP is an organization that brings together coaches, wellness professionals, and holistic practitioners from all over the world. I could relate to it because it is like the Arizona Society of CPAs that I belonged to, however, members of the IAWP focus on health and wellness.
The IAWP certification program enhanced my knowledge regarding overall wellness. This aligned with my belief that our lifestyle impacts our health. Not just our diet. Not just exercise. I saw this program as an enhancement to the six pillars of health that I believe in.
Management and Mentoring
My 20+ years working in the corporate world have definitely given me applicable experience as a Coach.
As a Manager, I always looked at everyone on my team as a team member, not as an employees. It took all of us to accomplish our goals. Each person brought unique talents to the team. I did as much as possible to ensure each person’s happiness and encourage growth with assignments that would challenge them, yet that they could be successful at achieving.
As your Coach, we work together as a team. Coaching is a two-way street where both of us learn from each other. We work together to set you up for success.
I became certified through Inner Vision Yoga’s 200 hour program in 2014. I incorporate yoga with my coaching. While all styles of yoga have their merits, I cherish Yin and Restorative classes because the downtime, stretching, and relaxation is what people need and we often don’t give ourselves the time to make it happen.