11/22 Health & Wellness Tip – Holiday Food Shopping

I am very late in posting this tip. One reason is because I had family visiting this past weekend. I was very fortunate to celebrate an early Thanksgiving with family on Sunday. Other than that, no good reasons for being late. Anyhow, it is worth being late because now I can share this funny story.

I told my husband over the weekend that I wanted to avoid grocery stores on Wednesday, the day before Thanksgiving. So, what do you think happened? You would be correct if you guessed that I had to go to the grocery store today. Not only one grocery store…three of them. It was actually kinda fun.

So, here are my tips:
Take patience with you – No need to be in a rush. It seems everyone is running around crazy. Rushing around will often end up taking more time in the long run. Also, the lines are long and it is not the cashier’s fault. Just be patient and expect an extra wait.

Be aware – The first store I went to was the busiest of the three. And there was a car accident at one of the parking lot entries. That crazy holiday traffic starts today (and Friday will be worse). Put the phone down; nothing is that important. Pay attention to what you are doing.

Technology-free – Spend tomorrow with your friends and/or family. I mean, really spend time with them being present. Put the phone down.

Less stress – Don’t sweat the small stuff. How often do you end up in an argument with someone only to laugh later about the fact that you were arguing over something so petty? With the stress of the holidays and spending extra time with family, take 3 seconds to take a deep breath…often. Keep your stress in check.

Routine – We end up way off our usual routine during the holidays. Get back to your routine as quickly as you can, especially when it comes to sleep, exercise, and eating healthy.

And the best tip of all: Cranberries – Stock up! Buy extra bags and toss them in the freezer. I put three bags in a gallon Ziploc freezer bag. I buy about 20 bags to last year-round. Enjoy these tart bites of nutritious deliciousness all year long!

Have a blessed Thanksgiving!

by Michele Spear