Goals vs New Year’s Resolutions

What is the difference between goals and New Year’s resolutions? I wondered this for a brief moment during yoga class this morning. To me, the difference is the timing of the goal and nothing more.

We all make goals throughout the year. Creating a goal at the start of the new year blurs the line between a goal and a new year’s resolution. Let’s go with one of the most common new year’s resolutions people make – to exercise more. This is no different if it is created on January 1st than if it is created May 15th or September 29th or pick another day.

Yet, because we create it on January 1st, it becomes a New Year’s resolution? Is it that simple?

So, I decided to do a quick search on goals vs New Year’s resolutions. I didn’t find much. Most articles talked about the most common New Year’s resolutions or how to create goals. I did find two articles that I thought were useful.

I have found myself on the Lifehacker website numerous times in the past. I ended up here again to read about differentiating between goals and resolutions. A goal is short-term while a resolution is something you will commit to long-term. I like that.

I also liked the Huffington Post article I found (Set Goals, Not Resolutions, to Achieve Results). It aligns with my mentor’s beliefs – that we must continue to learn and grow in order to improve and better our lives. We must challenge ourselves and go outside of our comfort zone.

Hawaii_TriangleThe most recent goal I’ve set – I will complete the 30-day Bikram Challenge (started Sunday, January 3rd)

The most recent lifestyle resolution I’ve set – I will go meatless every Monday (Meatless Monday)

Did you create goals or resolutions for the year, and your life, ahead?

by Michele Spear

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